span style="font-weight:bold;">Interview

Taqueria Otro Rollo
Alberto Grajales (Mexico)
Abrieron a final del 2005

Acerca de la sociedad Americana dicen: "Antes eran mas racistas hace 8-9 anos. Actualmente son muy buenos, dice acerca de toda la gente con la que conversa." Columbus les gusta porque es muy tranquilo. Le gusta mucho que el alacade de la ciudad es pasciente con el hispano tiene vision para ayudar e inspira confianza.
Para poder convivir mejor con la cultura americana piensan que las dos culturas deben de estar mas cercanas,conocerse y que no haya divisiones de raza integrarse mas. Les gustaria legalizarse para poder sugerir y participar en la sociedad.
Les gustaria dejar saber que son humanos con necesidades morales y espirituales.

Taqueria Otro Rollo

Alberto Grajales (Mexico)
Opened in 2005

About the American society Alberto says: “The people in Columbus were more racist 8-9 years ago. Now they are more open to accept other cultures.” He also likes to talk to the people that come to his taqueria. “I like Columbus because is very relaxing to live here,” he says Alberto. Alberto is happy to have the mayor in Columbus because he thinks that the mayor cares for the Hispanic community and tries to help the community. He feels confident with the mayor.
In order to be able to coexist better within the American culture he thinks that the two cultures must be closer to each other and learn from each other to avoid any race divisions. He would like to integrate himself to the American community and legalize his status to be able to suggest and to participate in the society. Alberto wants the American society to know that they all (Hispanic people) are humans and have the same moral and spiritual necessities as any other human beings.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

viva mi gente i love the mexicano people they so friendly and i spent most of my time in east los when i went to the states