Taqueria Mr. Grill
(Jalisco y Nayarit-Mexico)
Abrieron en el 2003
Columbus les gusta, en general Ohio por sus pasiajes, lagos y rios muy bonitos; les gusta que es tranquilo es un buen lugar para que los ninos estudien porque no hay muchas pandillas, pero piensan que ultimamente hay mas racismo y delincuencia.
Acerca de la sociedad Americana dicen que tienen muchos clientes americanos. Opinan que como hay americnaos buenos tambien hay Americanos malos que quién los tienen con túnica. Se han llevado propinas y dinero que tenian para una colaboracion comunitaria. No les gusta el racismo y que la policia se lleva a los que trabajan y a los que deben de llevarse los dejan. Opinan que la policia tarda siempre en llegar cuando habla un Hispano aunque hable ingles y otras veces ni siquiera llega.
Opinan que para poder convivir mejor con la sociedad americana les gustaria: “Que fueramos mejor aceptados y que vean que venimos a trabajar y a aportar al pais, que nos traten como personas”
Para integrarse a la sociedad americana saben que necesitan aprender Ingles y acloparse a los reglamentos asi como respetar el pais.
Les gustaria decir a la sociedad americana que: vengan a disfrutar de la comida Mexicana que “no todos los mexicanos somos malos”
Taqueria Mr. Grill
(Jalisco y Nayarit-Mexico)
Opend 2003
They like Columbus, all Ohio in general. They like the landscape of Ohio, lakes and rivers. They like Columbus because it is very relaxing. They think that it is a very good place for their children to study because there are not many gangs. But they think that lately racism has risen.
About the American society they say that they have many American customers. They think that there are good American people, but also there are bad Americans who have robbed their gratuities and money that they have for communitarian collaboration. They do not like racism and that the police take people that work. They think that the police always take a long time to arrive when a Hispanic person calls, but not if the person speaks English. Other times do not even arrive. I
n order to be able to better coexist within American society they would like to be better accepted, and for people to know that: “We came to work and to contribute to the country. We want to be treated as a human beings” In order to integrate themselves to American society they know that they need to learn English. They also need to assimilate to the rules and regulations as well as to respect the country.
They would like to say to American society: “Please come by to enjoy our Mexican food. And not all the Mexicans are bad.”

span style="font-weight:bold;">Interview
Taqueria Otro Rollo
Alberto Grajales (Mexico)
Abrieron a final del 2005
Acerca de la sociedad Americana dicen: "Antes eran mas racistas hace 8-9 anos. Actualmente son muy buenos, dice acerca de toda la gente con la que conversa." Columbus les gusta porque es muy tranquilo. Le gusta mucho que el alacade de la ciudad es pasciente con el hispano tiene vision para ayudar e inspira confianza.
Para poder convivir mejor con la cultura americana piensan que las dos culturas deben de estar mas cercanas,conocerse y que no haya divisiones de raza integrarse mas. Les gustaria legalizarse para poder sugerir y participar en la sociedad.
Les gustaria dejar saber que son humanos con necesidades morales y espirituales.
Taqueria Otro Rollo
Alberto Grajales (Mexico)
Opened in 2005
About the American society Alberto says: “The people in Columbus were more racist 8-9 years ago. Now they are more open to accept other cultures.” He also likes to talk to the people that come to his taqueria. “I like Columbus because is very relaxing to live here,” he says Alberto. Alberto is happy to have the mayor in Columbus because he thinks that the mayor cares for the Hispanic community and tries to help the community. He feels confident with the mayor.
In order to be able to coexist better within the American culture he thinks that the two cultures must be closer to each other and learn from each other to avoid any race divisions. He would like to integrate himself to the American community and legalize his status to be able to suggest and to participate in the society. Alberto wants the American society to know that they all (Hispanic people) are humans and have the same moral and spiritual necessities as any other human beings.

Taqueria King Taco Jesus
(Guadalajara-Jalisco, Mexico)
Abrieron en el 2003
Columbus les gusta. Acerca de la sociedad Americana dicen que tienen muchos clientes americanos que les gusta mucho los burritos. Les caen bien y lo tratan bien nunca han tenido problemas de racismo.
Para poder convivir mejor con la sociedad americana les gustaria que hubiera mas festivales para estar juntos con los americanos. Dicen que ya estan integrados a la sociedad americana porque estan trabajando aqui.
Taqueria King Taco Jesus
(Guadalajara-Jalisco, Mexico)
Opened 2003
They like Columbus. About the American society they say that they have many American customers that like the burritos very much. They like their customers and they have never had racism problems.
In order to be able to better coexist with the American society, compromise. There are more festivals together with the Americans. The taqueria owner said that they were already integrated into the American society because they are working here in U.S.A

Taqueria Super Torta
Pudente Reyes & Zoila
(Oaxaca, Mexico)
Abrieron en el 2004
Decidiron abrir la taqueria despues de haber tenido exito vendiendo en el campo de football en West Broad Street. Columbus les gusta pero piensan que antes era mas tranquilo, ahora se esta poniendo feo dicen. Hay muchos asaltos, a ellos mismo les han robado dos veces por la noche.
Acerca de la sociedad americana dicen: son buenas personas ellos tienen muchos clientes americanos (anglo-americanos y afro-americanos).
Para poder convivir mejor con la sociedad Americana les gustaria ser mejor aceptados, dicen: “Venimos a este pais a superarnos les gustaria que hubiera mas informacion en las comunidades para que se sepa que “uno aporta mucho a la economia.”
Para poder convivir mejor con la cultura Americana sugieren dar mas informacion de la cutlura hispana, que los padres de familia asistan a mas eventos escolares, participen en comites de las escuelas y hagan precencia hispana en las escuelas.
Les gustaria decir a la sociedad americana:”Que estamos aqui para superarnos, que no venimos a quitarles nada y les invitamos a que conozcan nuestra cultura a travez de la comida “ ellos ofrecen de Oaxaca comida tradicional como lo son las tlayacudas , champurrados, quesillo de Oaxaca este lo traen desde Mexico por avion a Tijuana, ellos van una vez al mes y lo recojen trayendolos por avion a Columbus.
Taqueria Super Torta
Pudente Reyes & Zoila
(Oaxaca, Mexico)
Opened in 2004
They decided to open the taqueria after they had a little taqueria at the soccer field on West Broad Street. They like to live In Columbus although they think that it is not the same place anymore. There are many robberies lately.They have been robbed twice during the night time and worry about that. About American society they said that, “ Americans are good people. We have a lot of American customers (Anglo-American and Afro-American).
In order to be able to better coexist within American society they would like to be accepted. They say, “We come to this country to get better opportunities.”
They would like to see more information in the Anglo community to let people know how the economy benefits them. In order to be able to coexist better within the American culture they suggest giving more information of the Hispanic culture to other cultures. Also the Hispanic parents should attend school events, participate in committees outside of the schools, and make a Hispanic presence in the schools.
They would like to say to the American society, “that we are here for our surpassing, we do not come to take anything away from you and we invited you to get to know our culture through the food. “
They offer at their taqueria Oaxaca traditional food as they sell the tlayacudas, champurrados, quesillo of Oaxaca. They bring them from Mexico by airplane to Tijuana Then they go to Tijuana once a month to pick them up and they bring them by airplane to Columbus.
Taqueria Little Mexico #1

Primer taqueria en Columbus, Ohio
Taqueria Little Mexico
(originarios de Michoacan, Mexico)
Abrieron en el Verano de 2002
Decidieron abrir porque no habia taquerias de carrito. llegaron a Columbus en el ano 2001. Acerca de la sociedad Americana dicen, “muchos aceptan bien los tacos y no son racistas.”
Columbus les gusta porque es muy tranquilo para vivir.Para poder convivir mejor con la cultura american, piensan que deben de aprender Ingles. Invitan a la comunidad Americana a que visiten la taqueria y conozcan la comida que venden.
First taqueria in Columbus, Ohio
Taqueria Little Mexico
(Michoacan, Mexico)
Opened in summer 2002
Decided to open because there where not any standing taquerias. They came to Columbus in 2001.
About the American society they said, “many people like our tacos and they are not racist.” They like Columbus because it is very calm to live here. They think that In order to coexist within the American culture they must learn English. They would like to invite the American community to visit taquerias and to get to know them and learn what kind of food they sell.
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